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Fleet Founder
Fleet Founder
Apparently not good enough to be the same rank as the guy to my left.
Fleet Founder
Both fleets are new, founded in the last quarter of 2021. As a result fleet holdings are all lower tier, especially on the KDF side.
Contributions within the fleets are primarily going to be Fleet Marks. With the Reputation system being there, the decision was made early on to allow our members to focus on that. Dilithium and Energy Credit contributions are appreciated but unnecessary. Fleet leadership has taken the brunt of that for the sake of the fleet.
Promotions within the fleets begins at 40,000. The requirement for the next promotion doubles that of the previous. The top three ranks within the fleets are for those who go above and beyond and who handle other aspects for the fleet. Including working with the discord channels.
From early on in the planning for the fleet it was decided to give everyone the capability to invite into the fleet. As the fleet grows this may change, and if a decision like that is made it will be discussed amongst the leadership.
We do a Random TFO Run on weekends. The time frame for this is set at a 6 hour run to try to accommodate for all members of the fleet being able to participate. On special occasions there will be giveaways, these are separate events and not tied to any one type of game play.
There is a Discord for each fleet, as well as a channel in the FPG Discord.
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